Kuindra Iriyanta, Bambang Purnomosidi Dwi Putranto, Widyastuti Andriyani


Soil moisture is something that becomes important. Indonesia as an agricultural country, most of the population has a profession as a farmer. In agriculture, one of the important parts is the water composition in the soil or soil moisture. One attempt to maintain soil moisture is to provide sufficient water intake to the soil. However, in practice, it is sometimes complicated for farmers to do proper irrigation of their agricultural land. This humidity condition will ultimately determine the success of vinca plant cultivators. The accuracy of giving water both in terms of time management and volume are two things which are an important focus of vinca crop growing. This system is designed using a humidity sensor which is used to measure the moisture composition contained in the soil, and an air temperature sensor. The NodeMCU ESP2866 microcontroller acts as a link between Google spreadsheet sensors. NodeMCU ESP2866 will send humidity and temperature sensor reading data to Google spreadsheets using a RESTfull API which can connect one application to another. The sensor data is then saved to Google spreadsheet and processed using the linear regression method. The processing results will be displayed on the Google Data Studio dashboard. The output of this process is to provide information about soil moisture conditions, notification of soil moisture conditions if it is too dry or damp, thus the prevention of the death of vinca plants can be carried out. The benefit for users is that they can carry out periodic and real-time monitoring by simply using the Telegram instant messaging application, which is expected to reduce the risk of plant death due to drought or excessive watering

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